
Why You Should Quit Your Job


Warning: If you’re sensitive to explicit language, you won’t dig the video above 🙂

Total Reading Time: 4 minutes
Okay, be honest—how many times have you dreamed of doing that?
Like most of us, probably too many times.
Now I’m not necessarily saying you should walk into your boss’ office and give him or her the finger (whether they deserve it or not is a different question), but perhaps it’s time you start thinking about making a change and moving on.
If you’re walking into your job every day with absolutely no excitement for what you do, can’t stand the environment, or can’t deal with having a micro-manager boss, why haven’t you made this decision already?
Don’t you know? It’s inevitable. If you’re dreaming of a different lifestyle, a better company, traveling the world, or perhaps even self-employment—the first step is to make that big decision and move on.
This is the hardest part (because we’re fearful of the unknown), but once it’s over you’ll look back and wonder what took you so long. In this case, “quitting” your job is actually the best thing you could ever do. Far too many people are stuck in jobs where their real creative talents are being suffocated.
You’re being asked to conform to a set of guidelines and procedures to work around, and deep down you know you’re capable of so much more. You feel like just a cog in a machine. You know they could replace you tomorrow, and the thought of that bothers you. You know you’re destined for more.
The non-conformist within you is screaming for freedom!
So why do we allow ourselves to be shut down like this? I let this happen to me. It was miserable, and I turned into a zombie for months. The fire within me was (almost) completely extinguished.
Deep down you know there’s something you’re more passionate about. It’s likely you even know how to make it happen, but you just haven’t made the decision yet. Life happens in the moments of decision. The smallest choices can truly change your life, it’s just a matter of truly deciding.
Readers often email me to explain how uninspiring their work situation and job has become. Yet they’re afraid to make the move and fear the unknown (which by the way is something that does not even exist).

What if it doesn’t work and I fail? What if it’s the wrong choice? What if I can’t get a new job? What if I can’t pay my rent/mortgage? What if, what if, what if…

Now if you’re not unhappy with your job and actually enjoy what you do, you’re incredibly lucky. But some people don’t even need to be that unhappy to quit. Sometimes there’s just a massive misalignment between what you’re doing, and what you actually wish you were doing.
I worked for one of the best companies in the world and decided to radically change my life because I valued freedom, autonomy, flexibility, and creative freedom (plus a whole list of other reasons) more than any perk, benefit, or dollar amount a company could offer me.
What about John Wood? He quit his job at Microsoft, wrote the book Leaving Microsoft to Change the World, and launched Room to Read, a non-profit that has now benefited the lives of over 6.7 million children around the world. All because he was inspired by a trip to Nepal.
What about Brook Silva-Braga? He quit his job with HBO “and he threw it all away” to travel around the globe for almost a year with nothing but a backpack and a video camera. He then created a highly successful documentary called A Map For Saturday that explores long-term solo travel.
And what about my good friend Shadee Daneshvar? She graduated from University with honors, interviewed at multiple organizations and turned down every single offer. Instead, she launched Fancy Me Candy—a successful brand of jewelry through her online store—and was profitable within a month.
After only three months she built a massive following and used social media to make much more than any full-time income could provide. Not only does she have the flexibility of working from anywhere, but she’s traveling the world and running her business from wherever she wants.

What’s my point?

There is a revolution happening. It’s a real movement, friendo. In this day and age, you can do just about anything to make money, so don’t let that be the excuse. The harder part is making sure you correctly identify your confluence—the intersection between your passion, your unique genius, and what the world needs.
People from all around the world are making big changes to their lives and choosing to create their own self-directed life. If this resonates with you, don’t let the fear of the unknown stand in your way.
Sure, maybe you have a spouse or family to support and believe it’s “too late” to make such a drastic change like quitting your job.
But you know what…

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

– C.S. Lewis

There is no better time than now to make that decision and take action.

Fear is the universal sign for “yes, keep going!”. Fear tells you that you’re actually making the right choice and doing something incredible for yourself. If you feel an internal resistance, just keep going. You must have the persistence to drive forward.

The right strategy is also essential to your success. So get connected to the right people and resources to make what you want to happen a reality.

So is quitting your job and (figuratively) giving your boss the finger the right? For many of us it might actually be the only way to create that massive change.

Share this article with a friend who’s stuck in a job they don’t like. Maybe they’ll finally get the insight and motivation needed to finally make that change.

Photo credit: Hiking Artist—CC License

How to Achieve True Freedom: Declare Your Freedom Lifestyle and Become a Solopreneur

Total Reading Time: 6 minutes
It’s 9 AM. A small fan is blowing the cool San Francisco breeze toward my desk. I’m sipping on a Yerba Mate I just picked up from a new tea store on Polk street. There are no fully stocked refrigerators, no free gourmet lunches, no massage chairs, and definitely no slides. As I sit in my office in SoMA, San Francisco, I ask myself as I do every morning — “So Arman, how does it feel to be a solopreneur?”
This question brings a huge smile to my face, every single time. And not only a smile, but true feelings of gratitude for finally taking the huge (and yes, scary) leap and making what I consider to be the most important decision of my life.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. — Tweet this!

-Mark Twain

I vividly remember the day I was sitting at the metaphorical crossroad and realized, “Oh sh*t…I’m here again.” As the fear pulsed through my body, I could see my options like two giant freeway exit signs. The first exit, staying at Google to work my way up the corporate ladder and build a career for myself in the booming technology industry of Silicon Valley, had a nice paved road with fresh asphalt, plenty of stop signs, and unlimited resources to guide me along the way.

The other option, the one that has been taunting me since the age of sixteen, is a dirt road with no lights, no cars allowed, and no gas stations for miles. I knew I’d be forced to create my own resources and that the fear of failure was something I would have to dance with for the rest of my life. But for some indescribable reason (as many have experienced) something told me that this was my ultimate destiny and that every time I delayed I was simply avoiding the inevitable.

Many of us have experienced similar feelings. A deeper calling is buried within all of us, and most of us are still living by someone else’s script and have been hired by someone else to build their dream. Have you felt this way before?
It is ten times easier to live the easy life, maintain the status quo, and settle for what is comfortable. But, I truly believe the day we finally find out who we really are and why we were born (and actually take action) is extremely important and life-changing.

A Freedom Lifestyle is really quite simple. You dedicate yourself to living a life designed by you in every way. You no longer exchange your time for money. Instead, you use your money to buy time (freedom). My Freedom Lifestyle is location-independent, yours doesn’t have to be. Travel is a big part of my life, and a passion of mine, so my freedom gives me the ability to work remotely. My micro-businesses and projects will be created with this in mind.

The projects will require much work up front, but this will enable passive income to bring revenues for long after. Sure, I’ll mostly be working from home/office, but the work must continue as I travel around the world. Ideally you’re able to continue working and operating the business from anywhere. Sure, that takes time and will require much initial sacrifice. But this is true freedom.

Here is Freedom Lifestyle defined: 

1. an intentional and adventurous way of life.

2. the ability to do what you want, when you want, how you want. 

3. a lifelong commitment to crafting and sharing your unique genius (yes, you’re a genius).

Then comes solopreneurship. This is what enables the lifestyle, and gives you an opportunity to truly spend your time doing what you want, when you want, how you want. And not only selfishly. This is about being fulfilled (not just happy), doing meaningful work, and tackling projects that are in line with your actual dreams and goals in life.

A solopreneur and entrepreneur have many things in common, but differ in a few very specific and important ways. As a solopreneur, I’m not looking to create, launch, and build the next Silicon Valley tech darling. And I’m definitely not looking for investor funding. No, as a solopreneur, I’m building small, sustainable, micro-businesses that will enable me to trade the dollars I make for actual freedom.

Here is solopreneurship defined: definition: noun. 1. a unique long-term strategy to creating a self-directed life 2. a modern, multi-dimensional approach to entrepreneurship with a focus on building independently owned business(es) that generate wealth through limited financial investment. 3. an ideology that allows a person’s chosen craft and lifestyle to take precedence, not the business.

Dusk in Habana, Cuba
Dusk in Habana, Cuba — just after I left Google.


The day after I left Google I got on a plane and went to a place many would consider the complete opposite of the country I live in — Cuba. Not only was I completely disconnected from email, my cell phone, and In N’ Out burger, but I was also completely detached from any sense of time or urgency. Here, I built out the details of my future and mentally prepared myself for all the “how’s” I knew would continue to pop into my mind at any given moment.

While large corporate behemoths (as my musician friend once called them) like Google, Apple, and Facebook are absolutely incredible companies to work for (with opportunities to work on world-shifting projects), they are not your projects, and the contributions you are capable of bringing to the world are far more fulfilling and important.
So…at you will find strategic, actionable, insightful content on a variety of topics — like:

  • The tools needed to be a successful solopreneur, plus reviews on all our favorite programs, tools, and software.
  • How to leverage your time, scale your company, and outsource the tasks you shouldn’t and don’t want to be doing.

And that’s just a small taste. I’d like to extend an invitation your way. A simple invitation to keep the conversation going.
There is truly a revolution happening in the world of work. Solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, and even wantrepreneurs all around the world are choosing to create self-directed lives. You’re not the only one who’s ever wanted more. Together, anything is possible.

How would you design your Freedom Lifestyle? If you’re already on your way, what’s the next goal you have to create more freedom? Comment below. 
Know someone who feels the same way and would benefit from this? Be a good friend! Send them this post so they can also get the insights and resources they need. 

Note: This is the first post ever published on the site 🙂

Photo link: White Temple—CC License

I’ll also send you my FLOWKIT which has all my favorite tools, resources, books and more.